Now you are ready to start dating and find a girl. You’re on an exciting journey but you may feel as if you are navigating a maze while blindfolded. You need not worry! This is your no-nonsense, easy guide to finding the right person. Go to Festivals.

First, you must be yourself. Authenticity may sound corny, but it is attractive. Imagine yourself at a cocktail party with someone trying too hard. You can’t help but feel tired when they are bragging about their career and dropping names everywhere. Imagine someone relaxed, authentic, and even goofy. Whom would you choose to spend your time with? Exactly.
Get out there next! No one will be watching Netflix marathons on the couch. (Though we all enjoy a good series). Join clubs and groups that you enjoy – such as hiking, board games or painting. So you can meet others who have similar interests.
Talking is important, but communication is also essential. Begin conversations in a natural way; ask questions, and pay attention to the answers. When she talks about her love of dogs, tell a joke about your neighbor’s pug. Do not turn it into an interview. Be curious, but don’t be a snoop.
Confidence is attractive, but don’t mistake it for arrogance. The line between being confident and appearing arrogant is thin. Confidence can be defined as knowing who you are without the need for constant validation.
Dress comfortably but well. It’s not necessary to dress up like James Bond, unless it’s your style. (In which case, you should be proud of yourself!). Fitted, clean clothes can make a big impression.
Your arsenal should also include humor. Laughter builds bonds faster than anything else. Keep it lighthearted and inclusive. Share funny jokes or stories from your own life.
The body language also speaks volumes. Keep eye contact with others, but do not stare at them like you’re having a staredown with Medusa. Smile often. It is contagious and demonstrates that you’re approachable.
Rejection is a part of this game. You shouldn’t worry if some girls don’t show interest. It’s okay to be rejected.